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Our Story

In 2016 I just arrived home from being part of a prayer house for 2 years. During the time at the prayer house I learnt about ‘Street Gospel’ and the dynamic impact street gospel had on various people. This experience was life changing. When I arrived home after experiencing tremendous hurt I stayed in an empty room in my mother’s house. I would mostly cry before the Lord for lost souls and seek HIM alone in my room. Then I was led to pray in the streets in my area and for the people within the community to encounter God. I did not pray out loud but in my spirit. One day on my way home from my prayer walk I saw 3 little children playing in dirty sand water and the one child drank the dirty water from the floor, time stood still for me as I observed this and it touched me alot, as I wanted to walk to feed the child the mother came and closer but she did not see me. She was out of her mind caught up in drugs I prayed for both her and the children when I arrived home. I couldn’t sleep that night, tossing and turning all night. The next morning I awakened and tears fell for these children I did not understand why I am feeling so much for people I barely knew. I then took out a paper and started drawing a heart and the words came to me reach a heart. I then googled and drafted a constitution and sent it away and today MY plight is still feeding the hungry and with the help of others that God sent we will feed one at a time and not go for the crowds but go where we are needed and not seen. Let us give together, Let us join and Let us help all children that we can reach. Help us, Help others.

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